Get the detail right!

Aims of the course

  • useful tips on contract drafting techniques and common pitfalls
  • useful materials that can be used as a basis for drafting contracts
  • guidance on differences between the common law and Finnish systems of contract law and the implications for negotiating and contract drafting.


The course will be ”hands on”.  Delegates will be invited to undertake practical exercises eg analysing and improving poor drafting, suggesting changes to clauses presented by ”the other side”.

Register for both Contract Drafting courses at once: Contract Drafting I-II 

Course materials

The course materials include comprehensive notes, a bank of sample contract clauses, useful websites and addresses and a guide to English contract law terminology.

Lecturer David Fletcher

Fletcher David

The course will be given by David Fletcher, an English solicitor, who is a frequent lecturer in Scandinavia. He has given contract-drafting courses, both general and in-house, in a number of countries including Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. He has also lectured at Helsinki and Tallinn Universities.

Agenda on 12th of December

8.30 Registration and coffee at the seminar place
9.00 Start of course

Introduction to drafting. How to draft a clause in modern English, expressing obligations, contingent obligations, exceptions, and using (or avoiding) special terminology used in contracts. How to structure a contract.

Specific issues and clauses to be included

  • Parties. Ensuring that the parties are clearly defined, especially in relation to a group of companies. What happens if the contract is assigned or transferred?
  • Heads of agreement, letters of intent. To what extent are LOI’s and HOA’s legally binding? No contract, no problem?
  • Amendment clauses. Side letters.
  • Electronic signatures. Legal position in USA, EU and UK. Suggested clauses.
  • Consideration. What is it? Payment clauses. Earn-outs in Company Sale and Purchase agreements. Completion accounts vs. locked box provisions. Price adjustment clauses vs. “anti-leakage” provisions.
  • Retention of title clauses. Different types.
  • Representations, warranties, guarantees, indemnities, covenants. What is the difference between them?  How are they best drafted?   “Reps and warranties” – do we need both? Sandbagging clauses.
  • Measuring performance. Best and reasonable endeavours/efforts.  Sales target clauses.
  • Restrictive covenants. Drafting non-compete clauses, non-solicitation clauses and other restrictive covenants. Pre-completion covenants / covenants of conduct in M&A.
12.30 Lunch
  • Default and remedies. Termination clauses. What is a ”material breach”?
  • Liquidated damages clauses v penalties. LD clauses in common law systems – how they differ from penalties in civil law countries.
  • Limitation of liability, exclusions of liability and “caps”. Minimising the risks. MAC and MAE clauses in Company Sale and Purchase agreements. “Inclusion” clauses.
  • Direct and indirect damages – the implications of recent case law for drafting.
  • Dispute resolution. Jurisdiction, choice of law and arbitration after Brexit.
  • Boiler plate provisions eg drafting notices clauses, force majeure clauses, whole agreement clauses, severance clauses
14.40 Afternoon coffee and break
15.00 The subject continues
16.30 Course round-up
17.00 End of course
We reserve the right to make changes to the program.


Yksityinen sektori895 €
Julkinen sektori760 €
Juristiliiton jäsen671 €

Hintaan lisätään alv 25,5 %. Osallistuminen sisältää sähköiset materiaalit sekä kahvi- ja lounastarjoilut seminaaripäivän aikana.



Minna Eronen


050 300 7256


Koulutusten asiakaspalvelu

+358-(0)20 442 4110


Clarion Hotel

Tyynenmerenkatu 2

00220 Helsinki

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Autolla saapuessa käytössä on maanalainen pysäköintihalli Rokkiparkki noin 450 metrin kävelymatkan päässä hotellilta, osoitteessa Välimerenkatu 12. Pysäköintiä varten tarvitaan EasyPark -sovellus. Pysäköinti maksetaan myös tämän sovelluksen kautta. Lue EasyParkista lisää täältä.



Majoittuville osallistujille Clarion tarjoaa 15% alennuksen päivän BAR huonehinnasta. Majoitukset varataan hotellin myyntipalvelusta: ja varatessa tulee mainita Alma Media. Tarjous on voimassa niin kauan kuin hotellihuoneita riittää.